Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Questions from students at Red Rose

Here are questions students from Red Rose have about America:

Are there tribes in America?

How many people are there? (Nancy)

How many tribe are there?

How do families live? (Sharon)

How many are you in your families? (Sharon)

Are there slums in America? (Brian)

How tall are the buildngs in America? (Nancy)

Do Americans like the black people? (Brian)

How many holy days are there in America? (Nancy)
In Kenya,

Do Americans go to work on weekends? (Quinter)

How many different churches are there? (Steven)

How many primary schools are there? (Steven)


  1. After reading the questions above and reading earlier about kids running alongside your bus, I can only imagine the emotions that each of you must be feeling. It is hard to tell who will gain the most from this interchange--the students of Kibera or our student ambassadors. It's clearly a win-win for everyone! Mr. G, you are an excellent "blogmaster"...best always...

  2. According to a 2007 survey,[10] the following is the order of religious preferences in the United States:

    Christianity: (78.4%)
    Protestantism (51.3%)
    Roman Catholicism (23.9%)
    LDS (1.7%)
    Jehovah's Witness (0.7%)
    Orthodox Church (0.6%)
    other Christian (0.3%)
    no religion (16.1%)
    Judaism (1.7%)
    Buddhist (0.7%)
    Islam (0.6%)
    Hinduism (0.4%)
    other (1.2%)


  3. Population Clocks
    U.S. 306,860,326
    World 6,769,702,271
    06:37 GMT (EST+5) Jul 08, 2009

    source: http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html
